Bio Links Guide for Influencity (SmartLinks)

Learn How to Create and Manage Bio Links (SmartLinks) with Influencity

What Are SmartLinks?

Bio links or SmartLinks let you create a microsite with buttons, images, and icons that direct users to specific web pages or social networks. This feature is especially helpful for platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where you can only include one clickable link in your bio. 

Influencity allows you to place a SmartLink in your bio, directing users to the page you’ve created.

Where to Set Up Your SmartLinks

To create or edit a SmartLink:

  • Navigate to the Bio Links option 

  • From the SmartLink dashboard, create, clone, or delete links.
  • Once a link is selected, you’ll see two sections: Settings and Analytics.



  • Add or edit your SmartLink’s name and URL (valid characters: a-z, 0-9, hyphens, but no hyphens at the beginning or end).
  • Install this link in your Instagram or TikTok bio.


  • Add or edit buttons with customizable text, color, background, and border.
  • Add links, disable or clone buttons, drag them to change the order.
  • Add headers or social media icons for direct links to your profiles.


  • Add clickable photos and videos from your Instagram account or computer (up to 50 files).
  • Drag media files to reorder them.


  • Choose a design theme or customize the header, text colors, background, and button style.
  • Adjust the number of columns, spacing, and image appearance.
  • Recommended header image size: 400x400 px.


Tip: Preview Changes in real-time with the right-hand preview window or click "View Live" to see how it looks in the browser.


Track the performance of your SmartLink, broken down by button and media clicks.


When scheduling a post, link it to your selected SmartLink. Upon publishing, the post will be automatically added to the SmartLink.