How to Run Your Query

Learn How to Run Your Queries and Get Accurate and Valuable Insights Fast

Once you have set up all your conditions and rules, a pop-up will appear to inform you of the estimated number of mentions your alert will capture. This helps you understand the scope of your query.

The pop-up will ask you to confirm if you want to activate the alert and get the query running. Review the estimated results and make sure everything is set as desired before confirming.

The estimated mentions will be refunded if the final number of results is lower than the initial estimate.


Tip: To ensure your estimated results are useful and manageable, make sure your query is specific enough. If it's too broad, you'll get an overwhelming amount of data. Double-check your conditions before saving your alert to get the most relevant insights.

What Happens If I Don't Have Enough Mentions in My Plan?

When setting up your query, you might encounter a situation where the estimated number of mentions exceeds the remaining balance in your plan. 

Here's what to expect and how to handle it:

Pop-Up Notification

If your balance of mentions is insufficient to cover the estimated results of your alert, a pop-up notification will appear.



This pop-up will inform you of the following:
  • The estimated number of mentions your alert is expected to generate.
  • A notification that your current balance is not enough to cover these mentions.

Your Options

When you see this notification, you have two options:

  • Wait Until Next Month: If you don't urgently need the data, you can choose to wait until your plan renews next month. Once your plan is renewed, your balance of mentions will reset, allowing you to run your query without any issues.
  • Upgrade Your Plan: If you need the data immediately and can't wait until the next month, you can choose to upgrade your plan. Upgrading your plan will increase your mentions limit, enabling you to run your query right away and gather the necessary insights.

Tip: Try to carefully manage your mentions so that you can ensure that you always have access to the data you need to effectively monitor and optimize your brand's presence on social media.


Executing Your Query: When You Have Enough Mentions

If the estimated number of mentions for your query is within the limits of your current plan, you can proceed with executing the query.

Here’s how to finalize and run your query:

  • Review Your Query: Ensure that all the conditions and rules you’ve set are accurate and specific to your needs. Double-check the keywords, hashtags, mentions, and any other parameters you’ve included.
  • Check the Estimated Mentions: Confirm that the estimated number of mentions aligns with your remaining balance. This ensures that your plan can accommodate the query without any issues.
  • Save and Run: Once you’re satisfied with the setup, click on the Save and Run button. This action will save your query and immediately start the monitoring process.