What Is the Follower Quality Metric and What Is it For?

Make the most of your influencer marketing by assuring that your message reaches real followers, not bots or spam accounts.

So you’ve found a profile that you like, added it to your IRM, and now have full access to over 20 different metrics about its performance. This article will explain all about the Follower Quality Metric and how to use it to find accounts with a high-quality audience. For a general overview on how to analyze and work with your saved profiles, please see our guide to your IRM home

What Is a Nice Follower?

In the image below, a profile’s total number of followers is divided into two: Nice Followers (purple) and Doubtful Followers (pink). The quality percentage is the calculation made between the two. But what does this actually mean? A nice follower is basically a member of a profile's audience who is useful to you. It’s an account run by a real person who may be receptive to your influencer marketing strategy.


Follower Quality Metric

What Is a Doubtful Follower?

A doubtful follower is an account that is either inactive or a bot. An inactive account is not technically a bad thing – many are real people who have just chosen to stop using their account. However, if you’re investing in a sponsored post to help share your product or idea, these inactive accounts are not helpful to your communications strategy. 

A bot, on the other hand, is a software application meant to emulate human activity online. This can include leaving posts and likes on a large scale. Bots may also follow many people while having hardly any followers themselves. Unfortunately, bots are quite common these days and it’s estimated that around 8% of Instagram users are bots. Avoid accounts with many bot followers by using our Follower Quality metric when choosing the influencer for your campaign. 

What is a Good Number of Nice Followers?

In general, any profile with over 75% nice followers can be considered to have a good quality rating.

Tip: A profile with above 85% has an excellent Nice Follower rating!

Can I Filter for Profiles with Only Nice Followers?

If you want to avoid profiles with a high number of doubtful followers without having to analyze each individual account, you can do this when running searches on the Discover page. When setting your filters, scroll down to the bottom and tick the Only credible accounts filter. When you tick this field, only accounts with an 80% Nice Follower Quality rating will be included in your results.

Only Credible Followers_Filter

I Can't Find Profiles With 100% Nice Followers

Unfortunately, bots are becoming more common on social networks. It’s also normal for real accounts to remain inactive if the user loses access or decides to spend less time on this platform. For these two reasons, it’s unlikely for even the best influencer profiles to have a 100% Nice Follower Quality rating.  

Can I Avoid Accounts with Doubtful Followers on YouTube?

Yes, we can analyze follower quality on Instagram, YouTube Twitch and TikTok.