What Types of Posts Can Influencity Analyze?

Read about the types of posts you can track with Influencity.

This article will give an overview of the posts you can track on these 3 social media platforms:

  1. Instagram
  2. YouTube
  3. TikTok

To view your options for measuring post metrics, head to our article on how to gather information from influencer posts.

What Types of Posts Can I Gather Data from on Instagram?

Instagram is a great network for influencer marketing, especially for more visual products or brands looking to build a following and an online community. These are the types of Instagram posts that you can gather data from with Influencity:

Posts - These are the images that show up on an influencer’s main feed. Unlike stories, these publications are “permanent,” meaning they remain on a user’s profile until they are deleted. This content can be accompanied by a caption. 

Carousels - These are similar to posts, but contain up to 10 images that a user can swipe through.

Stories - Stories are short videos that are displayed for 24 hours. Past stories can be highlighted and displayed under an influencer’s bio, however, metrics will not be measured after the initial 24 hours. At the moment, data from stories can only be gathered via manual analysis.

Instagram Video - This is more long-form content and tends to be more elaborate than stories. As with posts, Instagram videos are saved to a user’s main feed. 


What Types of Posts Can I Gather Data from on YouTube?

YouTube offers 2 types of video content:

Long-form-  These are the traditional YouTube videos that can vary in length. This type of content is great because it allows you to educate your audience about your product and brand as you drive conversions. 

You can gather this public post data from YouTube content with automatic analysis:

  • Followers
  • Interactions
  • Engagement
  • Earned media
  • Video views 
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Audience top country, gender, and age

Short-form- YouTube has joined the trend and now allows users to upload vertical videos of up to 60 seconds directly from their phones. These YouTube Shorts are great for engaging with your audience. 

At the moment, it’s only possible to track YouTube Short metrics by asking your influencer to share their private post insights and adding them through manual analysis.  

What Types of Posts Can I Gather Data from on TikTok?

Think of TikTok as the short-form version of YouTube – its content is centered around short videos between 5 and 120 seconds in length.

Influencity lets you track public post data on TikTok with automatic analysis. This includes:

  • Followers
  • Interactions
  • Engagement
  • Video views 
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares

As with other content, if you want to see specific information regarding reach, impressions, and profile visits, you can ask your influencer to share their post insights and then add these metrics through manual analysis

Tip: Are you new to some of the terms used to describe post performance? Check out the Influencity Glossary for a quick overview of industry jargon!