How Can I Search for Yoga Influencers?

Learn how to use the Discover product to conduct specific searches.

Here are some ideas of filters you could use separately or together to narrow down your search and find the perfect yoga influencer. 

The Interest Filter

Select Fitness & Yoga as an interest for both influencers and their followers. To make sure a substantial amount of followers have this interest, try setting a percentage.

Interest filter

Brand Affinity

Another option for narrowing your search is to look for influencers who show an affinity for certain yoga-related companies. For example, if you select the brand Athleta, any influencer who has tagged or mentioned this brand will appear in your search.

Brand affinity

Note: Brand affinity doesn’t indicate a professional relationship, simply that this influencer has interacted with this brand in the past. 


Are you a fan of a yoga influencer, but perhaps their fees or geographic location do not align with the needs of your campaign? Search for a lookalike to find both influencers with similar content and influencers with similar followers

For example, Adriene Mishler is a yoga influencer with a huge following on her YouTube channel. If you want to find someone with similar content, but perhaps a smaller following, set your search to YouTube, select a smaller follower range, and paste her channel name into the lookalike filter. 

Similarly, if you want to find channels with followers that are similar to Adriene’s, for example, users who are interested in health, wellness, or meditation, you can type her name into the audience lookalike filter to find profiles that attract similar users.

Yoga lookalike

Hashtags and Keywords

Other great tools are the #hashtag and keyword filters, though it may take some research to find the terms that work best. A good practice is to take a look around the platform you’ll be using for your campaign and see what hashtags are trending in your field. 

Here, @adrienelouise has used the hashtags #chakras, #yoga, and #findwhatfeels good. Click on these hashtags to see what other content has been linked to them.



If you’re conducting a search for Instagrammers, the bio is another good way to narrow your search. This is the free-text area where many influencers will describe their content. 

Here, for example, @adrienelouise has included the word ‘YOGA’ in her profile.

Yoga bio

Caution: Your search results will only show profiles whose bios reflect the exact same text that you set. If you search for ‘yoga’ instead of ‘YOGA,’ @adrienelouise’s profile will not appear. To get the best results, it’s best to do some research beforehand.  


Having trouble finding the right profiles? Check out our solutions below. 

I Have Limited Search Results

Setting all these filters all at once may limit the number of influencers that appear in your search and cause you to overlook some great profiles. Our advice is to try certain combinations and adjust your search as necessary. 

Show search results

Tip: See how each filter affects your number of results at the bottom of this section.

Remember, you can open an influencer’s social media profile in a separate window by clicking on their username on the results page. Check out their content to see if this search is returning the right profiles, or if there are some filters that should be tweaked. 

My Hashtags Don’t Appear

This can happen if certain hashtags are more niche and don’t return many results. If you have an Instagram account, try conducting a few searches on that social network to see what particular hashtags have a significant impact.