A Quick Guide to Working with Reports

Use Reports to measure the performance of your sponsored posts.

What Is a Report?

Creating a report is the final step in your influencer marketing campaign. Compiling all of your information into one easy-to-use page allows you to compare the performance of various strategies in order to see what works, what doesn’t, and possible ideas for improvement. 

This data is transmitted through KPIs – Key Performance Indicators that show the success of a campaign at different levels:

What Information Can I See in a Report?

When you open the Reports product, your first view will be of the main Dashboard, where all your existing reports are saved. Open one to see the performance of your posts.

The top of your Dashboard shows your campaign-level stats: the number of accounts included in this campaign, the number of publications, and the total number of followers reached by these profiles. In addition, you’ll see the number of interactions (likes, comments, etc.) achieved by this campaign and the engagement rate (the number of interactions divided by the number of followers x 100). 

Note that some fields in this report are blank. This is because this is private data that can only be gathered by Manual Analysis. Learn more about this here

Scroll down to see the network-level data, that is, a breakdown showing the percentage of interactions that can be attributed to each social network. 

In our example below, we can see that the majority of engagement and interactions can be attributed to TikTok. What factors can explain this difference? Perhaps your TikTok publications were better timed and resonated more highly with viewers. For more answers, you’ll need to dig deeper by looking at the profile- and publication-level performance metrics.

As the name suggests, Influencer-level metrics look at a particular influencer and the reach and engagement they are able to achieve on their sponsored posts. 

Here, we’ve sorted our profiles by engagement rate to see who is interacting the most with their followers. Although Rosalia has more interactions than Holly, she has a much lower engagement rate. This is because her total number of followers is much larger, and in her case a lower engagement rate still reaches a vast number of users, resulting in a higher Earned Media Rate

Use these metrics to compare the performance of your individual content creators and see which ones have the potential to make the most impact for your brand. 

Finally, post-level metrics look at the individual publication for hints at what might have made some more popular than others. View the metrics that matter the most by clicking on the cog widget to customize your columns. 

Maybe some posts were better timed than others or included captions and #hashtags that invited more interactions from users. For a better look at this and to compare publications side by side, head to the Publications tab. Clicking on any of these thumbnails will open the actual publication in a new window.

In short, Influencity Reports allows you to create various pages to compare your performance campaign to campaign, season to season, and year to year. This allows you to optimize your strategies and think globally while still capturing the small details. 

How Do I Create a Report?

Get started by following the steps in this guide.